A new Louvre was open last year at Abu Dhabi, Emirates.
Nevertheless, when you push the doors of this spectacular museum, you immediately understand that you are a witness to a pivotal moment in the history of museums, the advent of an innovative concept of museum, not only focused on educating but also on conveying Enlightenment all over the world.
The museum would like to celebrate the universal story of the Human being, through the prism of old interactions (such as the commercial routes), culture and history. Emphasis various cultures all over the world follow a unique objective: understand the characteristics common to all humanity and the elements that constitute our distinct identity. The final purpose is to help us capture what does it means to be a Human and what is our identity, beyond the myriad of our cultures and civilizations.
The museum creates a dialogue across this story, from the emergence of the first villages to the rise of bright empires or religions to the new Art of Living and the ongoing modernity. This reading should remind us that what we have in common is far more meaningful than what separates us: the ideas and emotions universal to all people.
Finally, the way the museum is showcased, minimalism and space encaved in a stunning architectural building, conveys the impression to be in a place where Time does not exist. This Beauty encourages curiosity, respect and acceptance in order to meet our final purpose. This quest is worthwhile, and we realize that Arts could be a great enabler!
To go beyond the stars: the museum includes a Children's museum to experience curiosity and creativity, the main values of the museum. A fantastic way to share knowledge with the next generation!