Type : Drama, Action, Triller
Réalisator : Nicolas Winding Refn
year: 2011
Casting : Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Oscar Isaac, Ron Perlman, Albert Brooks
Synopsis: a Driver with no name is a mechanic by day while he is a driver for gangster during the night. One day, a hold up turns a nightmare...
The protagonist only has one name: the Driver. And the Driver lives in an action-artistic ecosystem.
Nicolas Winding Refn's movie combines great adrenaline rush scenes (driving scenes around the city, striking shots) with subtle and soft family scenes. The Driver is not a simple hero, he studies his environment, analyzes human behavior and acts accordingly. He represents the authentic Human, the one who has to go ahead whatever: driving means selecting a road, with graceful breaks to continue the frantic and massive effort of living...
This particular atmosphere is beautified and surrounded by terrific artistic performances. It is layered with the soundtrack mixing Cliff Martinez electronic music with 80's pop music, paired with elegantly conceived shot or sequence thanks to the talented photographer Thomas Sigel, also depicted with deep pictural colors (blue and yellow, spiritual multi-color night scenes): all those elements dance a beautiful ballet, orchestrated by inspired and inspiring players...
And this is where magic happens : Drive becomes a cosmic, bloody, existential film where actions speak louder than words, the mise en scene is hypnotic, to push to think to our own life: what were our choices? What will be the next ones? Are we going to find some allies? Is it possible to accept the dark side of our choices?
To fix those questions, art could be a fantastic and effective enabler...Have a great and deep exploration!
To go beyond the stars: Have a closer look at Taxi Driver, the Scorsese movie (again, we jump on a taxi travel to understand the process of human choices) and/or listening to the slow and inspiring music extracted from the Drive movie, Kavinsky - Nightcall